Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tapping Into My Inner Designer - Part Deux

Today I officially began searching for ideas for my DIY lamp project. Confident that I'd come across a drum shade no prob while at The Home Depot! No such luck. So far anyway.

Not letting the first roadblock get me down I continued on and began looking at spray paint colours. Red and yellow and black - oh, my! Then I looked to my left and saw the fluorescent colours. I was thinking of being bold but not that bold. Eek! Will have to save that fun for another adventure. One choice that did catch my eye was a chocolate brown. Only if I can find an appealing fabric or wallpaper (yes, I said wallpaper) to go with it. Problem with wallpaper is that I am not dealing with a perfect cylinder shade. To add to the horror, the lamp shades that came with the lamps I have are ribbed. Argh. New lamp shades it is! May not be my desired drum shade but we shall see!

Last stop was the wallpaper section. So many gorgeous large prints to choose from *drool*. Many that would look great with a chocolate brown lamp base. I took many *cough*generous*cough* samples. Fingers crossed that I can find my very much desired lamp shade. Really would prefer to stay away from fabric. I am a person of very little patience. Fabric + Me - Patience = Not a Pretty Sight.

Before I end this post. I just want to post the cutest lamp. I would love to transform my shades to look like that but am not so sure Tom would agree.

Love the daisies but think I'd go with something more colorful like a gerbera daisy. My favorite flower for any of you who feel like sending me flowers. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Photo taken from Steven & Chris

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