Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healthy Eats!

So I've decided that I need to smarten up and start eating right. The smartening up part got kick-started by the part where my jeans have started to cut off my circulation. That and I can no longer 'suck it in'. Ladies and Gentlemen, my metabolism has left the building. Long gone are the days of putting on a bikini without hearing the Jaws theme.

Well, this health fest starts tomorrow. And yes, tomorrow actually means tomorrow! The image of myself eating rabbit foods springs to mind. Carrots, lettuce and celery sticks - oh my! You know those fluffy little critters would eat junkfood if given a chance. Just saying!

Memory Card Mayhem

A couple of weeks ago my work camera's memory card went missing. My youngest daughter had tried to 'help' before by taking the card out of the computer and setting it down for me. So I asked her if she had seen it. At first she pleaded guilty but then took it back when she realized her mom was getting a bit stressed out over the matter. She still helped me look everywhere we could think of but no such luck.

In the meantime I needed something to save my work photos on so I decided to look for my old memory card from my personal camera. Also no luck. I had no one to blame for this one but myself. I had taken it out of my camera a while back and set it down somewhere. Stupid me. I'll never learn.

A couple of days passed and my middle child brought me her Nintendo DS complaining that something was wrong. I looked at it and what do you know - my memory card was shoved in the game slot. Took some doing but finally got it out. With only minimal damage to the memory card.

And finally, a couple of weeks passed and while I was cleaning out my toaster my personal memory card was jammed in the bottom. Don't even ask, because I don't know. All I do know is that the poor thing is a little on the toasty side.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today I had the pleasure of picking up a co-worker from the airport. Have never met this person but thought it could be interesting. I had asked my boss what this person looked like so I had some description of who I might be looking for. She said that she had met him in Montreal and that he was either black or a punk skater kid. Ummm, ok. Better than nothing...I think. While waiting, I thought that I had heard my name and saw a man heading for a taxi. Being my typical paranoid self and thinking that I had missed him I shot off a quick text saying what color my coat was and where abouts I was standing. He wrote back that he is a black guy with hair in a pony tail and that's the best he's got. Jacket color would have sufficed but oh well. Staying put I waited as people piled down the escalator. Finally spotted him and started walking towards him with a smile. He looked at me like I was mental. Feeling like a complete doof I asked if he was Damion. He said yes. Still no smile or an ounce of warmth in his face. It was going to be a looong car ride to work. Thank gawd I skipped my 'funny' idea of making a sign with his last name on it. Probably best I save that for friends and family.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Soccer Parents

Tonight at my daughter's soccer game I had the 'pleasure' of getting to know my fellow soccer moms. Here are a few things that are fresh in my mind:

* The mom that compliments every kid on the team. While I was very flattered that she thought how great Chloe was doing, I found it quite amusing that she was saying this to all the parents. Sorry, but I don't think that the wimpy kid who runs away from the soccer ball is doing so hot.

* The mom who was pretending to read a book and avoiding everyone (see post below).

* The teenage sister who never comes to soccer and doesn't even know which team her brother is on. Nice going!

* The mom who has the need to constantly talk and talk. And talk. How nice that you had a disease as a child. And a rare one! No I don't think you should run out and buy a lottery ticket as I don't think having a rare disease is "lucky".

* The hyperactive kid that can't sit still and seems to be on a mission to spill my Tim Hortons coffee. Spill it, I dare you!

* The mom who keeps calling her son's soccer skills pure luck. Ummm, perhaps your son actually has talent?

* Then there was the little boy who came and sat beside me. I don't think he knew where his mom or dad were. Must say I didn't mind his company. Luckily his parents resurfaced and he was able to rejoin them.

* The girl on Chloe's team who meant to bounce the ball off the top of her head but instead headbutted it *snicker*

Ways to avoid people: Read a book?

Tonight while at my daughter's soccer game I kept having 'chatty moms' gather around me. I don't mean to sound like a complete cow but I'm there to watch my girl play soccer, not gossip and make friends. Looking to the right of me I noticed that a girl was 'reading' a book. Occasionally she'd look down at the text but for the most part she was just holding it up and looking over the top of it. That and it was Lord of the Rings (who hasn't read or seen the movie by now?). Just as this great idea was sinking in it wasn't two minutes later that she was being swarmed by a bunch of kids looking at her book and trying to read the cover.

Yah, so much for that idea...

I'm alive!

Long time, no 'see'. I'm back. Unfortunately the lamps will probably not be. Tee hee. Tried to find a creative and inexpensive way to re-invent my lamps but no such luck. That and I just plain lost interest. Hey, just being honest here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just Around The Corner

For a while now Tom and I have been talking about going to a Roughrider game in Calgary. Since his birthday is before a game in Calgary we seized the opportunity! Besides football, it would be a great weekend getaway for us. After we bribed secured a babsitter for the weekend (thanks Tom's mom!)it was time to find a hotel. My being a fancy pants, I smiled my sweetest smile (yes, it hurt) at Tom and begged for something swanky. After all, it's not like we do this all of the time. So we logged on to Hotwire and took a shot. What was to lose? Aside from getting stuck in a cockroach infested hellhole. We decided on a 4-star hotel in downtown Calgary. No idea what we just paid for we eagerly awaited an email. Here is what we reserved...The Westin. Bee-utiful! Not sure I'll ever want to leave. So far Hotwire is not too shabby! Time will tell. And so will my blog.