Sunday, April 25, 2010

Memory Card Mayhem

A couple of weeks ago my work camera's memory card went missing. My youngest daughter had tried to 'help' before by taking the card out of the computer and setting it down for me. So I asked her if she had seen it. At first she pleaded guilty but then took it back when she realized her mom was getting a bit stressed out over the matter. She still helped me look everywhere we could think of but no such luck.

In the meantime I needed something to save my work photos on so I decided to look for my old memory card from my personal camera. Also no luck. I had no one to blame for this one but myself. I had taken it out of my camera a while back and set it down somewhere. Stupid me. I'll never learn.

A couple of days passed and my middle child brought me her Nintendo DS complaining that something was wrong. I looked at it and what do you know - my memory card was shoved in the game slot. Took some doing but finally got it out. With only minimal damage to the memory card.

And finally, a couple of weeks passed and while I was cleaning out my toaster my personal memory card was jammed in the bottom. Don't even ask, because I don't know. All I do know is that the poor thing is a little on the toasty side.

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