Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today I had the pleasure of picking up a co-worker from the airport. Have never met this person but thought it could be interesting. I had asked my boss what this person looked like so I had some description of who I might be looking for. She said that she had met him in Montreal and that he was either black or a punk skater kid. Ummm, ok. Better than nothing...I think. While waiting, I thought that I had heard my name and saw a man heading for a taxi. Being my typical paranoid self and thinking that I had missed him I shot off a quick text saying what color my coat was and where abouts I was standing. He wrote back that he is a black guy with hair in a pony tail and that's the best he's got. Jacket color would have sufficed but oh well. Staying put I waited as people piled down the escalator. Finally spotted him and started walking towards him with a smile. He looked at me like I was mental. Feeling like a complete doof I asked if he was Damion. He said yes. Still no smile or an ounce of warmth in his face. It was going to be a looong car ride to work. Thank gawd I skipped my 'funny' idea of making a sign with his last name on it. Probably best I save that for friends and family.

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